My cup of tea


Today Im going to teach you how to make green tea! I think it’s so refreshing and calming and its good after every meal to help you digest and make you feel better!Either in summer enjoying a refreshing cold mint tea or in winter snuggling in bed with a hot cup, it fits for every season!

I sometimes don’t drink enough water so when I find recipes of tea I try them on and add some flavour to what my body is missing.

I know it maybe sounds easy how to make mint green tea but trust me there’s always a trick that adds a little extra to your flavour!


  1. Boil the water and pour a small amount in the teapot, swishing it around to warm the pot.
  2. Combine the mint and green tea and sugar in the teapot, then fill it with the rest of the hot water.
  3. Let the tea brew for three minutes.
  4. Set out glasses for the tea.
  5. A shot-glass is close to the slender glasses used in Morocco.
  6. Fill just one glass with the tea, then pour it back in the pot.
  7. Repeat.
  8. This helps to dissolve and distribute the sugar.
  9. Pour the tea.
  10. You want a nice foam on the tea so always pour with the teapot a high distance above the glasses.
  11. If you do not have at least a little foam on the top of the first glass, then pour it back into the teapot and try again until the tea starts to foam up nicely.
  12. Garnish with the remaining sprigs of mint.

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